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Announcement Submission Request

We love to wish Mazel Tov to our members. If you have a Mazel Tov for any simcha, please fill out this form so we can share with all our members.

Simcha Fund: If you are submitting a Mazel Tov announcement and wish to mark the simcha with a donation to the shul's Simcha Fund, please include that in the appropriate space below.  Please note that the minimum contribution to be included in the Simcha Fund Announcements is $36.

YIWH Members: Please note that you must be logged into your account if you wish to "Bill to my account" for this donation, otherwise you must make an immediate credit card payment.  Thank you.

Confirmation: Once your form is submitted, you will receive an automated confirmation. If you do not receive one - your submission did not go through and please try again or contact the shul office. Thank you

Please select the date you would like your announcement to be published.
If left blank, it will be included in upcoming announcements as appropriate

Note: The full text of your Simcha submission will be shared in both the emailed and printed versions of the weekly Shabbos announcements.  An abbreviated version including the names of the immediate family members will be read aloud when the announcement is made in shul.

Thank you and Mazal Tov!

Minimum donation: $36

To sponsor this week's Announcements ($100), click this box.  Please note that there may be multiple sponsors in a given week.

Please note that YIWH Members in Good Standing may choose to pay by "Billing to their Account", all others are asked to make an immediate payment.  Thank you


Fri, March 28 2025 28 Adar 5785